Tuesday, February 22, 2011

To Lie or Not to Lie....That is the Question!

Life has been going really well. We were hoping that January 27 would have been the day that the state's attorney would have petitioned for termination of rights. That day has come and gone. In the meantime, we have just been loving every second of being a family. Everyone has been adjusting really well to the idea of being adopted.

One frustration that we have been dealing with is lying. I am posting this in hopes of getting some ideas for dealing with a 5 year old that lies constantly. Pretty much if the child is speaking, he is lying!! It is crazy. He will say ANYTHING, even if he knows you saw him do something else. He will tell you the grass is purple and be TOTALLY convinced of it!

Some things we have tried:

1. We started an "I TOLD THE TRUTH" jar. Everytime the kids tell the truth when it would be easier to lie, they get a pom-pom in the jar. Once the jar is full, we will do something fun (i.e. go out for ice cream, go to a movie, etc.)

2. We have talked a lot about God watching everything we do. He remembers all the good things we do and all the bad things we do. When we pray to God we need to ask him to forgive us for the "bad" things we did...called sins. We also talked about that we have to REALLY be sorry. We can't say it if we don't mean it.

3. TRUTH OR LIE: We started playing a game called Truth or Lie. I will say a sentence "The sky is green" and the kids have to say truth or lie. They are really good at the game. They get almost all of them right, which tells me that they do know when they are lying.

4. MODELING: We are modeling truth telling. When we tell the truth, we talk about it. I told the kids about hitting the garage door with the van. I explained that it would be easier to lie about it, but how much better I felt when I had told the truth.

We really want to focus on the positive...the telling the truth. With that being said, we can't let lies go undisciplined. Any ideas you have would be really helpful. You could send ideas to my facebook or my email:
jlcorbly82@yahoo.com. Or you could leave comment here. Anything that has worked for you!

Dear Lord, thank you for giving me this opportunity to teach the children about the honesty that you have shown us. Thank you for always honoring what you have promised.